Gina Herrera | Brand Development | Product Launch Management | Consulting & Advisory
ecommerce branding & marketing specialist
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Blue Bee

Organic Tulip-Derived Skincare
Went viral on IG + sold out of first two batches of product after launch
Bernard approached me looking for striking brand visuals and unique product packaginthat could be translated into a memorable unboxing experience to promote his skincare launch to his online following of over 15,000 people on Instagram. While he started out unsure of what direction he wanted to go in other than using the color blue, I helped him narrow down the options that made the most sense for brand longevity and the deeply personal nature of his product ingredients, including the incredible tulips he grows on his own farm in Connecticut.
The resulting branding and packaging has a beautiful modern minimalistic appeal, featuring vintage-styled hand-drawn illustrations of bees and flowers that speak to the natural ingredients of the products. The unboxing experience has been a hit on his social media, accounts, and has directly contributed to Blue Bee's skin kit going viral and selling out multiple times.
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