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A Comprehensive Overview to Hiring for Your Product Launch: Agency, Team, or E-commerce Specialist?

Gina Herrera
August 23, 2023

Launching a product is a monumental task that requires meticulous planning, a strong commitment, and a clear vision. But even with the most detailed blueprint in hand, the success of your product launch hinges on one crucial factor: the team you collaborate with to bring your vision to life.

The modern marketplace offers a vast array of options when it comes to hiring for an e-commerce launch. From full-fledged agencies with every resource imaginable, to individual specialists with niche expertise, to a handpicked team of freelancers, each option presents its own set of advantages and challenges.

The decision on whom to hire is not only about cost or convenience. It's about aligning your product's unique needs with the strengths and capabilities of your chosen team, and understanding key components to your launch: the depth of expertise you require, the level of involvement you need, and the kind of relationship you envision with those who will be instrumental in shaping your product's journey from conception to market.

For many entrepreneurs and businesses, this decision can be daunting.There are agencies that promise end-to-end solutions, specialists who offer deep dives into highly specific areas, and of course, the allure of building the perfect team from the ground up, handpicking each member for their unique skills. Each path offers its own set of merits, but also comes with unique challenges.

In this guide, I aim to demystify the process of hiring assistance for your product launch. This article will delve into the pros and cons of each option, providing key insights that will help you make the most informed possible decision based on budget, collaboration style, and convenience.

Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur looking to launch your next big idea or a startup venturing into the market for the first time, understanding your hiring options is the first step towards ensuring your product not only reaches its audience, but also resonates with them on a meaningful level.

As you navigate the intricacies of each of these options, my goal is to equip you with the knowledge and perspective needed to make the best hiring choice for a seamless, impactful product launch.

Option 1: Hiring an Agency

Agencies typically come equipped with a full team of professionals spanning various disciplines.

From branding experts to marketing strategists, from content creators to digital specialists, an agency typically offers a comprehensive suite of services designed to handle just about every aspect of a product launch.


  • All-in-One Solution - One of the most significant advantages of hiring an agency is the convenience of having an all-encompassing solution. You get access to a team of experts across different domains, ensuring that every facet of your launch is handled professionally.

  • Consistency - With a single team overseeing all aspects, there's a higher likelihood of maintaining consistent branding and messaging throughout the launch process.

  • Experience & Expertise - Established agencies often bring a wealth of experience to the table, having worked on multiple high-level projects across various industries. This expertise can be invaluable to capitalize on proven strategies.

  • Resource Availability - Agencies usually have access to a wide range of tools, software, and platforms that can be leveraged for your launch, often at a more cost-effective rate than if you were to source them independently.


  • Exponentially Higher Cost - Hiring an agency that has a history of real results can be incredibly expensive than other options, especially if you're opting for a full suite of services that covers every possible launch touchpoint.

  • Less Personalized Attention - Given that agencies handle multiple clients simultaneously, there's a strong possibility you might not receive the same level of personalized attention as you would with a dedicated specialist or a smaller team. The clients who spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on marketing often receive the highest prioritization and level of communication.

  • Potential for Misalignment - While agencies bring a breadth of experience, there might be instances where their vision for your product doesn't align perfectly with yours. It's essential to ensure clear communication from the outset, especially since you will likely be working with an account manager rather than speaking directly to the individuals doing the work. Many clients need a strong guiding hand in order to ensure the project comes out according to their vision.

  • Lack of transparency - Nowadays, anyone with a computer can claim to be a “marketing agency” and really be just one random person with a few freelance contractors working in cheaper overseas countries. The internet is now littered with digital marketing businesses claiming agency status despsite consisting of a client-facing owner with absolutely no experience, and a few subpar mid-level designers. In addition, billable hours are often hyperinflated to pad profit margins (I have personally worked for agencies myself; rarely do they miss an opportunity to bill someone for MUCH longer than they truly spent on a project, which is a huge part of why I left the industry and struck out on my own). Oftentimes, they will do the work without asking for permission, stick it on an invoice, and then since the work is already done, you are contractually obligated to pay it – whether you approved it or not.

  • Lack of Results and Poor Time Allocation - Many agencies are extremely gung-ho and enthusiastic about the artistry of the brand and spent hundreds of hours on research and other parts of the design process that aren’t needed at the initial stage for startups, and yet rarely provide the resources that will help the entrepreneur they are serving to actually succeed. There also may be a lack of investment in your brand if they don’t believe in your product, or feel you are going to be operating in an overly competitive stage.

Choosing an agency for your product launch may be a wise decision if, and only if, you are willing to do the due diligence to vet them, and have access to a large amount of funds (likely well over $100k).

If you are looking for a comprehensive solution and can come to the table with a budget to accommodate it, an agency’s combined expertise and resources they offer can significantly streamline the launch process.

However, it's crucial to do thorough research, ask for case studies or references, and ensure that the agency's approach aligns with your product's vision and goals. The potential reward that may or may not occur as a result of your collaboration is also accompanied by a tremendous amount of financial risk.

2. Assembling A “Dream Team” of Individual Contractors

Building a custom team of individual contractors allows you to handpick experts in each domain required for your product launch. This approach offers the flexibility to curate a team tailored to your specific needs, ensuring that each aspect of the launch is handled by a seasoned professional.


  • Customization - The primary advantage of this approach is the ability to select specialists for each task. Whether it's branding, content creation, or digital marketing, you can choose the best in the business for each role.

  • Cost Management - By hiring contractors for specific tasks, you may be able to allocate your budget more efficiently by hiring more expensive senior-level contractors for higher level tasks, and less expensive contractors for basic tasks.

  • Direct Communication - Working directly with individual contractors can streamline communication. There's no middleman, which can lead to faster decision-making and implementation.

  • Flexibility - As your needs evolve, you can easily bring in new contractors or phase out existing ones, allowing your team to adapt to the changing demands of the launch.


  • Coordination Challenges - Managing multiple contractors requires significant project management. Ensuring everyone is aligned and working cohesively can be time-consuming, especially if you have other large obligations like a full time job, or children to care for.

  • Inconsistent Quality - While you have the freedom to choose experts, there's also a risk of hiring contractors whose quality of work doesn't meet your expectations. With one or two people, you can easily move on, but with multiple freelancers going at once, they may finish most of their tasks before you can get a strong sense of their work and then you’re stuck with the bill.

  • Potential Overlaps - Without a central coordinating figure, there might be overlaps or gaps in responsibilities, leading to inefficiencies or missed opportunities. There also may be timeline issues depending on each contractor’s availability.

  • Lack of Unified Vision - With multiple individuals bringing their perspectives, there's a potential risk of diluting the brand message or straying from the original vision as pieces of your brand pass through the hands of so many different people. 

  • Personality Clashes - Assembling a team from various backgrounds and experiences can lead to personality differences. These clashes can disrupt the workflow, delay the project, and even impact the overall quality of the launch. Effective communication and conflict resolution skills are essential to navigate and mitigate these challenges.

  • Reliability Concerns - Not every contractor is created equal, and it’s a bit unreasonable to expect that you will hire the perfect team right off the bat. The more individuals you hire, the bigger the chance of at least one person dropping the ball.

Assembling your own team of contractors offers the benefits of flexibility and customization. It's an approach that empowers businesses to craft a team that perfectly aligns with their vision and goals.

However, this method demands a proactive management style and a keen eye for talent selection. For those willing to invest the time in team coordination and management, building a custom team can lead to a product launch that truly stands out in the market, but it can definitely be a huge time-sucking struggle as it will require an extreme hands-on approach for project management and coordination.

If you do not have experience with hiring and managing creatives, this process can be a massive hit to your launch timeline and may not be the best option. Furthermore, directing creatives can get really difficult (that’s why creative directors at large companies make multiple six figures!)

If you hire most of your freelancers based on pricing, you run the risk of having really poor outcomes due to their hourly rate being directly correlated with their level of service and processes. Lower budget freelancers need a lot of hand-holding and participation from the client, while higher end freelancers often can work very independently.

3. Opting for a Product Launch Specialist

Falling somewhere between the agency and contractor team categories, a product launch specialist (like me!) is an expert who specifically focuses on getting products developed, packaged, branded, and ready to sell - essentially, providing a full-scope experience for new entrepreneurs selling online.

While there are not many out there to choose from simply due to the fact that most people are not consistent across this many skillsets, those of us that do exist can bring a massive depth of knowledge to your product launch from our years of experience and continuous learning about creating and marketing a product in the nuances of the ecommerce space and the potential for entering retail markets.

We also help coordinate all moving parts to ensure that every detail is meticulously planned and executed - even the things you didn’t know you might need.


  • Personalized Attention - One of the standout benefits of hiring a specialist is the undivided attention your product receives. You're not just another client in a roster; you're their primary focus.

  • Investment - kldsj;flkdskdf
  • True Investment, follow up consults, tutorials, intellectual property, etc.

  • Deep Expertise in your Industry - A specialist, by definition, has a profound understanding of their domain. This expertise can be invaluable in navigating the unique challenges that come with launching a product.

  • Wide Breadth of Skillsets and Expertise - csvdsfgf

  • Flexibility and Communication - Working with an individual often allows for more flexibility in terms of communication, revisions, and pivoting strategies based on real-time feedback.

  • Faster decision-making and agility

  • Cost-Effective - In many cases, hiring a specialist can be more budget-friendly than opting for a full-fledged agency, especially if you're only seeking expertise in product launching and not a suite of other services. Balance of quality and cost.


  • Limited Resources - Unlike agencies, an individual specialist might not have access to a wide array of tools, software, or platforms. This limitation could affect the breadth of strategies they can employ.

  • Capacity Constraints - One person can only do so much. If your launch requires multiple simultaneous tasks, a single specialist might become overwhelmed, potentially causing delays.

  • May still be somewhat unaffordable for bootstrapped businesses

Hiring a specialist with expertise in e-commerce and launching new products online can be an excellent strategy for businesses that have healthy funding, value deep expertise and personalized attention, and are looking for a holistic approach from someone who is truly invested in your success.

However, it's essential to assess the scope of your launch and determine if a single individual can handle the majority of your needs and manage the process from start to finish.

If you do opt for a specialist, ensure they have a proven track record and can provide references or case studies to attest to their expertise, just like you would ask of an agency, and make sure that you are very clear on what they can bring to the table in terms of accommodating for any skillsets they lack.

Launching a product is a monumental task, one that requires meticulous planning, a clear vision, and the right team to bring it all to fruition. The decision on how to structure that team – whether through an agency, a specialist, or an individually assembled group of contractors – is pivotal.

Each approach has its own merits, challenges, and risks; the best choice often hinges on the specific needs, budget, and goals of your business. An agency might offer the allure of a one-stop-shop, but it comes with a heftier price tag and a massive risk.

A specialist brings deep expertise and a holistic perspective, ensuring that every aspect of the launch is handled with precision, but is still on the more expensive side since they can offer not only design and marketing services, but actual advice specific to the e-commerce industry.

Meanwhile, assembling your own team offers flexibility and the potential for cost savings, but it also demands more hands-on management and the navigation of potential personality clashes.

In the end, the key is to be informed. Understand the nuances of each option, assess your own strengths, limitations, and budget constraints, and choose the path that aligns most closely with your vision for the product.

A successful product launch is not just about the product itself but also about the journey of bringing it to market. Choose your partners wisely, and you'll set the stage for a launch that ultimately may have a higher chance of success.

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